Les Portes d'Apcher - Restaurant

In the shades of the great pine trees
Garden side’, the hotel’s restaurant, ‘Les Portes d’Apcher’ invites you to taste its dishes in the open air. Designed just like a true interior garden, the dining room at ‘Le Portes d’Apcher’ opens out onto a terrace where the proximity of a pine forest offers you a unique spot in the shade of these magnificent trees.
‘Terroir du Sud'
The restaurant, ‘Terroir du Sud’, distinguishes itself with its up-to-date kitchen, which is constantly moving with the times. Relish the regional and Mediterranean flavours brought to your table: grilled fish, paella, shellfish, Aubrac beef, charcuterie, hearty winter warmers: seafood platters freshly delivered from local fishmonger, Mr Gomez.
The restaurant offers you a delicious range of cuisine highlighted with southern flavours and global accents - with ‘la plancha’ (grills), tapas, organic products… for a varied, gourmet treat.

Les Portes d’Apcher**
Avenue de Saint Flour
48200 Saint-Chély-D''Apcher
Your representative: Sonia
Tel.: +33 (0)4 66 31 00 46
Fax: +33 (0)4 66 31 28 85
Mail: les.portes.dapcher@orange.fr
Overnight stop

The hotel-restaurant, ‘Les Portes d’Apcher’, invites you to discover the mountains of Margeride happily situated upon the lands of Gevaudan, an extraordinary destination in the heart of the great wide open, where you’ll enjoy unexpected encounters and magnificent flavours derived directly from the land itself.